• COHealth Carebidet Sales Partners

    Regional, City, or Local/Community Sales Partner Opportunities Available

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    Southeast Focused

    As a reseller, Orlando, FL-based How's Grandma is actively seeking dealers to support their outreach to offer the Carebidet accross Central Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia

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    Northwest Focused

    As a reseller, Olympia, WA-based Capital Business Machines (CBM) is actively seeking dealers to support their outreach to offer the Carebidet accross Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and Pennsylvania

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    California Focused

    As a reseller, San Francisco, CA-based Get Up and Go Medical Supply (owned by JIB & Associates), is actively seeking dealers to support their outreach to offer the Carebidet accross California

  • Become a Reseller

    Offering Carebidet, the award-winning innovative toileting system, to clients within your geographic area will allow you to open new conversations and a new revenue stream 


    Let's Talk

    "One good conversation can shift the direction of change forever."

    - Linda Lam


    Let's start with a reach out to learn more about the Carebidet and to tell us about what you do within the geographic area you currently serve


    Let's Commit

    “You always have two choices: your commitment versus your fear.” - Sammy Davis Jr


    Moving forward, once we agree on the 'how', we will provide you all tools you need to offer the Carebidet in your area


    Let's Launch

    "Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you." - Tony Hsieh


    Once (1) trained; (2) your marketing collateral and microsite work is completed, and (3) have your own Carebidet, you are ready find and close deals

  • Take Step One and Let's Talk

    “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey." - Fitzhugh Mullan